GOT Optimization Service - Applications
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Optimization is a universal technology that can be applied to almost every industry and all sections of the social life. The followings are a list of application areas that optimization techniques can play an important role.

Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
  1. Computer communication
  3. IC packing and testing
  4. Telecommunication system
  5. Power system operations
  6. Power system planning
  7. System identification
  8. Object identification
  9. Management and control of network flow
  10. Network design of optical fiber
  11. Design of artificial neural networks
Computer Engineering
  1. Database query design
  2. Data mining
  3. Machine vision
  4. Optimal Complier
  5. Image reconstruction
  6. Optimal search
  7. Design of robotics
  8. Constrained programming
Mechanical Engineering
  1. Image block analysis
  2. BGA Package
  3. Optimal design of mechanical structure
  4. Design of satellite’s spatial location and its orientation
  5. Design of supersonic motor engine
  6. Optimal truss design
Civil Engineering
  1. Distribution of underground pipes
  2. Building design of quakeproof and windproof
  3. Design of stake bases
Scheduling and Planning Problems
  1. ERP
  2. SCM
  3. Transportation (Airline, Ship, Train, or Vehicle)
  4. Optimal mission allocation
Financial Engineering
  1. Risk selection
  2. Marco economic modeling and planning
  3. Optimal investment portfolio
Bio/medical Engineering
  1. Optimal biochip design/fabrication
  2. Protein folding & drug discovery
  3. Medicines design
  4. Distribution of health resources
  5. Analysis of medical image
  6. Gene sequence comparison
  7. Pharmacy engineering
  8. Design of medical equipment
  9. 3D object reconstruction of CT image
  10. 3D object recognition from computer vision and supersonic wave
Environmental Engineering
  1. Toxic waste disposal
  1. The sharpness of satellite image
  2. Image 3D object recognition and location
  3. Non-linear error distortion measurement
  4. Optimal compressed image technology
  5. Optimal large scale surveying network design
  6. Composites manufacturing operation and its optimal design