GOT Optimization Service - Optimization Solutions
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Your best can now be better!

Consulting & Optimization

GOT can provide consulting for our customers in the following areas:
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Computer Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering
Scheduling and Planning Problems Financial Engineering
Bio/medical Engineering Environmental Engineering

GOTI aims to:
  1. Provide the best global optimal technology for a wide range of application domains.
  2. Search for global optimal solutions and a set of high-quality local optimal solutions for various classes of nonlinear optimization applications.
  3. Lift existing products that involve optimization to higher levels (work for our customers).
  4. Co-develop products to dominate market shares (work with our customers).
  5. Co-develop unique products with a definite competitive advantage (work with our customers).
  6. Use our unique GOT technology to jointly solve very difficult problems (work with our customers).
  7. Open the door for your company to leverage global optimal technology to spark new opportunities in optimal design, estimation, prediction, operation, scheduling, planning and more importantly time-to-market product.

GOT technology and professional service provide customers with the best optimization technologies.